Ready to Finally Launch & Grow
Your Health & Wellness Coaching Business?
Ready to Finally Launch & Grow
Your Health & Wellness Coaching Business?
12:00pm CST
The 3 essential keys you must know before starting your business.
How to price your coaching services so you can balance purpose & profit.
The proven 5-step framework for growing a sustainable coaching business that aligns with your values, strengths & lifestyle goals!
Exclusive Live Bonus: Attend live to get your copy of The 4-Phase Launch Plan for Health & Wellness Coaches! ($97 Value!)
When I launched my private coaching practice in 2016, my eagerness to succeed led me to embrace every opportunity that came my way. This approach, however, left me stretched thin, struggling to gain meaningful progress.
I ended up feeling pulled in multiple directions, unable to focus, and taking a lot of wrong turns along the way.
It took me far too long to build up a coaching practice that flowed, attracted in clients I loved, and I felt great about helping them get the results they were after. I've even brought on Associate Coaches who take on clients while I help other coaches build their dream coaching practice.
Today, I'm on a mission to make the process of launching your coaching practice less of a struggle than it was for me. I learned A LOT since that first day, and today, I'm sharing what I've learned to help you be more successful with less time and frustration.
I can't wait to help you create a coaching practice you LOVE!